RMMI News & Events

Words: Ann WolterWinter introduces a slower season for most of the masonry industry, but not at the Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute (RMMI). With an increase in the number of members being available in their offices, rather than running from job site to job site, RMMI Executive Director Larisa LaBrant was able to spend some quality time with many of them.

"It's good to spend time with the members in their offices, learning about their businesses and how RMMI can meet their needs," LaBrant said. "I've learned a lot about what we are doing right, and what we can do better."

Overall, she has found that area masonry companies are not seeing the residential slow-down as reported by the national press. For RMMI's member mason contractors, business is booming. At the same time, the commercial masons are seeing an upswing in their market as well. It looks like the Colorado and Wyoming markets are taking a healthy turn, despite the national forecasts.

Also, RMMI held its annual holiday party at the Denver Press Club on Dec. 9. The staff and members enjoyed a traditional Victorian Christmas, while also gathering toys and raising funds for Toys for Tots.

For more information on RMMI, please visit www.rmmi.org.
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