Fastest Trowel on the Block

Words: Tommy Daniel

In the past, our industry has had Fastest Trowel on the Block contests held in various states around the country. The winner of the state contest was sponsored to attend his respective regional contest. The regional contest winners were then sent to compete at the national contest held in conjunction with the MCAA National Convention.

One of the goals of the MCAA is to revitalize this structure. This would allow the best of the best to compete in the national competition. Our goal is to work with state masonry associations and their local block suppliers to rekindle these contests.

The 2009 Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition will be held Thursday, February 5, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Photo by Jenkins Custom Photography, Ltd.
The 2009 Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition will be held Thursday, February 5, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Photo by Jenkins Custom Photography, Ltd.

An example of this is the Fastest Trowel on the Block contest, hosted by Angelus Block and RCP Block and Brick of Southern California. These two companies have created a spectacular event. The event will have more than 54 industry-related sponsors and 22 journeyman masons competing for $3,500 in prize money. The first-place winner will be sponsored to compete in the national contest in Las Vegas. Thirty apprentice masons will be competing in the Skills Challenge contest as well.

The MCAA has been working with the National Concrete Masonry Association to rejuvenate these competitions. It is good for our industry, our suppliers and our workforce.

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