Silica Train the Trainer (New and Renewal)

Words: Greg Brown

OSHA rolled out the new silica rule in 2016 and the citations since the rule was implemented have focused on mason contractors. One of the components of the rule is to have a competent person on each job-site. This course will train someone on your staff to train other competent people on your staff. The class will focus on the required written program of the new rule and show attendees the essentials to pass along to the foreman who will be competent people on your job sites. Attendees will be provided training slides for both competent people and general employees. 

The renewal course is similar to the original. However, it focuses on any changes or clarifications that OSHA may have made to the rule in the past two years. It is suggested by compliance attorneys that trainers be re-trained every other year. These courses will be held Monday, January 17, 2022. 

Register for the Silica Train The Trainer New or Renewal Course here. 

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