Report of the MCAA Certification Committee

Words: Danks BurtonSince the inception of the certification program in 2008, 29 companies have become certified. Currently, we recognize twenty-five of these companies, while four companies have been suspended for not keeping up with their continuing education. We currently have seventy-one companies enrolled in the program with approximately half considered active. Thirteen of the twenty-five certified companies are due for renewal in 2017; we encourage these companies to get their continuing education hours and renew their certification. There are plenty of opportunities for education through the MCAA Live Webinars and On Demand Education.

The Storm Shelter Program, being developed by the Education Committee, will debut on Thursday January 19, 2017, at the MCAA Convention. The program is broken down into five different topics:
  • Introduction and Background
  • Anchoring Dowels
  • Connections
  • Quality Control and Assurance
  • Reinforcing and Grouting
Classes can be taken as a series or individually. Upon completion of all five courses, the participant will earn Credentialed Storm Shelter Installer (CSSI). We plan to record, edit and make the course available online during the second quarter of 2017.

The Certification Committee is working in cooperation with the Education Committee to develop short credential programs on a variety of topics. These topics will be approximately one hour in length and include an exam at the conclusion of the program. A credential would be issued for those who successfully complete the course. If you have a masonry or business topic you would like the committee to consider, please provide us with your suggestions.

We continue to work closely with and assist other regional certification programs. The Upstate NY MCAA Chapter recently developed a code and best practices, web-based training/certification program. This program will be directed at the job site level. They feel the area most in need of this type of training is at the mason level. The program is based on the concept of explaining the “why” which will reinforce the “how”.

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