Report of the MCAA Certification Committee

Words: Danks Burton

Certification Program

The Certification Committee met via conference call on November 18, 2015. The Certification Committee was tasked by the Board to determine the feasibility of continuing the Certification Program. The Committee was unanimous in the decision to recommend continuing the program. With twenty-seven companies having reached certification and another seventy currently pursuing certification, we felt the program should not be abandoned. We should continue to offer certification to companies that attain all the required education courses.

Additional Credentialing

The Certification Committee is currently developing individual certifications on subjects pertaining to flashing, grouting, Storm Shelter construction, and the new and improved MQI.

Storm Shelter Credential Development

The MCAA is working to develop a Storm Shelter Credential Program through a grant from the NCMA Foundation. The course will have five components to it:
  • Drilling and Epoxies (To be completed by March 31, 2016)
  • Proper Rebar Placement (To be completed by March 31, 2016)
  • Masonry Grouting (To be completed by January 15, 2016)
  • Roof Connections (To be completed by March 31, 2016)
  • Overview (To be completed by March 31, 2016)
When complete, the attendee would receive the credential. We are currently coordinating with the individuals writing and developing the components of the program. The video production completion date is two months after the program is first presented.

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