2015 Concrete Masonry Design Awards of Excellence

Words: Randi HertzbergThe Concrete Masonry Design Awards of Excellence showcases design and construction excellence using manufactured concrete masonry and hardscape products — concrete masonry units, manufactured stone veneer, articulating concrete block, segmental retaining wall units and interlocking concrete pavers — in residential, commercial and landscape applications.

Winning entries serve as testimony to the creativity and ingenuity of the design team, focusing on the use of manufactured concrete masonry and hardscape products. The winners will be featured in Concrete Masonry Designs, the NCMA website, and other industry publications.

To enter, you will need the following information:
  • Name and company of submitting company
  • Project name
  • Location of project
  • Project designer/architect
  • Product manufacturer(s)
  • Contractor
  • Mason Contractor/Installer
  • 300-word description of project
  • Up to eight photos
  • Entry fee ($50 members, $75 non-members)
Each entry in the Design Awards of Excellence program is judged for how well the project has met its original purpose and objective. Judges will consider design, quality of construction and craftsmanship, compatibility with other building materials, construction innovation and overall excellence. Document how the following themes may have been integrated into the design process for the project.
  • Design Resolution — Project demonstrates exemplary skill and sensitivity in the resolution of formal, functional and technical requirements.
  • Environmental Advancement — Project demonstrates a commitment to environmentally sensitive design and conservation.
  • Preservation/Restoration — Project demonstrates skill, sensitivity and thoughtfulness in preservation, restoration or the alternate reuse of an existing building regardless of its original architectural intentions.
  • Societal Advancement — Project demonstrates a commitment to social progress.
  • Technical Advancement — Project explores new technologies and their architectural implications.
Visit www.ncma.org/2015-concrete-masonry-designs-awards-of-excellence for more information and to submit your entry.

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