Masonry Studio at UWM debuts

Words: Mark KempOn September 4, 2013 “Masonry Studio” made its debut to over 100 architecture students at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee's School of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Finally the message about Masonry is getting to the future young minds that will determine what buildings are made of. This studio is made possible by the generous financial support of Wisconsin Masonry Industry Partners, the craft workers, mason contractors and manufacturers that make brick, concrete block, stone, tile, and a wide variety of other structural and architectural systems and the NCMA Foundation.

This group is providing funding for special lectures, construction of masonry mock-ups, expert critics and advisors in the studios, support for students to attend a masonry camp, publication of studio results in a national journal, and a range of other events and activities. It is our hope to see this program spread to other universities across the nation.
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