Milton H Young II

In May 1961, Milton H. "Milt" Young, II received his diploma from U.S. Jones High School in Demopolis, Alabama. In September of that same year, he enrolled at Tuskegee Institute ( now Tuskegee University).

While at Tuskegee, "Milt" as he was commonly called, began studying in the Trade and Industrial Education program. His uncle, who had the same name, attended Tuskegee as well, and inspired and encouraged him to go to "skegee". Every male member of the Young Family was a construction worker by tradition (great grandfather; grandfather; father; uncle; and now little "Milt"). Carpentry was the occupation of the other relatives, but Milt decided to make "bricklaying" his occupation. While at Tuskegee, Milt developed his skills known as the, Trowel Trades. In fact, his skills were so well developed that the school's instructor often allowed him to assist in training other students. In May 1966, Milt completed all his requirements for graduation and received the Bachelor of Science Degree in Building Construction with a minor in Masonry Technology.

In September 1966, Milt's first job was working with the company of Shaker, Travis, and Quinn, (Professional Plumbers) in Poughkeepsie, New York. Duties included constructing brick piers, columns and walls of certain elevations to support the length and weight of 8", 10" and 12" pipe being installed at Vassar College (height and grades were critical points). By the spring of 1967, I. B. M. (International Business Machines) started an expansion program at their facility located on South Road outside of Poughkeepsie. Masonry subcontractors were looking for individuals with bricklaying skills and hiring "open shop" was permitted for a short time. Supervisors and foremen watched and observed workers to see how well each would handle tools and the appearance of the work. After a few days, Milt was asked to help with lay-out procedures that included some blueprint reading.

By the fall of that year, new construction was on the rise in up-state New York and the demand for masonry workers in that area encouraged Milt to relocate. Ithaca, New York was the destination and this area provided an excellent opportunity for work. Cornell University and Ithaca College had large building programs and a large student population. This area also had new shopping centers and residential construction in progress on North Triphammer Road.

While working in this area, Milt was invited to join the I.U.B.A.C. (International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers), local # 96 from Coming, New York. During this time, masonry sub-contractors were coming from every place including Elmira, Courtland, Binghamton, Sycrause, Albany, Rochester, and Coming, New York.

McDonald's fast food restaurants were quickly moving across the entire state of NewYork. Bass Masonry, a subcontractor from Sycrause, had the contracts for building McDonalds in other cities as well. Milt was invited to travel to each location to make certain the "Golden Arches" made especially for the front entrance could be installed without rebuilding or taking down any work. If the Golden Arches did not fit according to the required dimensions, the subcontractor was in trouble. Milt was responsible for approval of the work and acceptance of delivery of the Golden Arches. Construction across the state of New York, which provided great experience, was truly rewarding. Working with other craft workers helped to appreciate the time and efforts that were made to achieve a goal and ambition. The work lasted from 1968 - 1975.

In 1975, Milt returned to Alabama because of the unexpected and untimely death of a beloved family member. During this time, the State of Alabama was moving toward Vocational Technical Education. New training facilities were scheduled to open in the fall and people with building skills could apply for positions. The state required a degree in education to fulfill requirements for teaching; however, a person with a non-education degree could take additional course work from an institution designated to satisfy all the state requirements and recommendations.

In August 1975, Milt accepted the position of masonry instructor at Hale County Center of Technology, located in Greensboro, Alabama. While performing duties as the masonry instructor, Milt also complied with requirements and recommendations of Alabama State Department of Education by 1979 - 1980.

The American Vocational Association (AVA), held its educational meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio in the fall of 1989. There was a discussion about organizing and establishing a National Brick Masonry Instructor's Association. At this meeting, Milt was selected chairman of the committee to draft an open letter to brick masonry instructors across the country. Mr. Bill W. Weaver, the Industry Advisor from Brick Institute of America (BIA) located in Reston, Va., explained some of the concerns facing the masonry industry and encouraged the committee to move forward as quickly as possible.

The response to the open letter was overwhelming! Over one hundred fifty plus instructors all over the USA requested additional information and expressed support for this association NBMIA.

The first National Masonry Instructors Conference and Seminar was held in Myrtle Beach, S.C. during the summer of 1990. Milt was elected the first president of the association along with other officers.

South Carolina already had a State Masonry Instructors Organization along with other states. However, South Carolina pledged their support and assistance in every way. Mr. A.C. Lewis, president for the South Carolina organization and the new NBMIA president, developed a relationship and partnership with Milt that have continued until today! The secretary of the South Carolina organization was encouraged to help with written communications, correspondences and printing of information. Soon after the 1990 conference, duties and responsibilities were divided among the elected officers (secretary, treasurer, etc.). This association would serve to represent all masonry instructors from every state as well as those at correction institutions.

Milt has worked with the Alabama Instructors Association and the Alabama Department of Trade and Industrial Education to unite and promote workshops designed to support and strengthen the skills of technology instructor.

Professional development courses and training will benefit technical instructors as well as academic instructors. While serving with both the national instructors and Alabama instructors, Milt has received special awards and recognition which include the following:

  • NMIA Distinguished Service Award in Recognition of Exceptional Leadership as Charter President - 1990 - 1991

  • Alabama Masonry Instructor award for Outstanding Service in 1992

  • NMIA Excellent Leadership and Commitment Award - 1994

  • Hard Work & Support Award as Past President Alabama -1995

  • NMIA Professional Service Award as Secretary I Treasurer from 2001 - 2004

  • Alabama Technical Education Program of the Year Award- 2002

  • 2005 - "Retirement at Hale County Vo-Tech Center (No Awards)

  • 2008 - NMIA Hall of Fame Inductee award at Sandestin, FL

Accepted the position of masonry instructor at Hale County Center of Technology in 1975. Elected first President of the National Masonry Instructors Association (NMIA) in 1990. Special awards and recognition include: NMIA Distinguished Service Award in Recognition of Exceptional Leadership as Charter President (1990-91), Alabama Masonry Instructor Award for Outstanding Service (1992), NMIA Excellent Leadership and Commitment Award (1994), Hard Work & Support Award as Past President Alabama (1995), NMIA Professional Service Award as Secretary Treasurer (2001 - 2004), Alabama Technical Education Program of the Year (2002), NMIA Hall of Fame Inductee (2008).


Individual Member M.H. Young

Employee - 1980- Current

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